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Trump's War Page 7

  I have no confirmation of this, but I believe the Trump team heard me say on my show, The Savage Nation, what tens of millions of Trump voters were thinking when they heard this. No! This is nonnegotiable. The wall must be built and it must be a wall. Not a fence. Not electronic security. Not some strongly worded signs. We elected Trump to build a wall.

  By the time of his first trade victory, the Carrier deal, Trump was already recommitting himself. “Trust me, we’re going to build a wall,”11 he told Carrier employees, like a boxer recovering after being momentarily shaken by a hard blow from his opponent. The blow was the all-out assault by the media, the Democrats, the RINOs, and every other corrupt interest bent on denuding Trump’s agenda, if they couldn’t stop him from being elected.

  Perhaps he was a little surprised he won and was unprepared for so quick and vicious an attack. He wavered, but then he steadied himself. I think we’re going to see his resolve tested like this over and over again, no more so than on the crucial issue of immigration.

  By early January, Trump was again running downhill with his plan to build the wall. On January 4, Reuters reported12 the Trump team was reviewing documents requested a month earlier from the Department of Homeland Security on “all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.” Trump knew this was priority number one and he was committed to taking office with a plan already under way.

  But the Establishment wasn’t finished trying to undermine him even before he took office. Just two days later they tried to characterize Trump’s request for congressional appropriations for the wall as breaking a campaign promise.13 Trump had repeatedly promised Mexico would pay for the wall, not American taxpayers. Supposedly he was breaking that promise by asking Congress to set aside the funds.

  It was a shallow, transparent lie that Trump didn’t have much trouble exploding. In another of his devastating tweets, Trump thundered, “The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!”14 Obviously, Trump was referring to his negotiations with Mexico over trade.

  Representative Chris Collins (R-NY), Trump’s congressional liaison, confirmed as much the same day. Mexico exports more than $300 billion in products to the United States.15 Their economy depends upon that trade continuing, although under Trump it’s going to be much more equitable. When Trump starts the NAFTA exit clock ticking, they’ll pay.

  Personally, I don’t care who pays for the wall, as long as it gets built. We’re not talking about a monumental expense, relatively speaking. Trump estimated the cost at $10 billion to $12 billion. The highest number I’ve seen is $38 billion.16 Even if that unsubstantiated highest estimate were the final cost, it’s 1 percent of what the federal government spends now, mostly on boondoggles that harm us more than they help us.

  I’m a fiscal hawk and I recognize the national debt is almost as dangerous to us as open borders. But even $38 billion is a rounding error in a $4 trillion budget. As long as Trump keeps his promise to build the wall, I don’t mind paying for it. It would be the first time in a long time the taxes we pay were actually employed for our benefit.

  Fabricating a controversy over this is just more smoke being blown by the Establishment to try to derail the wall. It’s up to you and me to see through the smoke and stand behind Trump on this. The wall must be built and the borders secured.


  In addition to all documents related to border wall construction, Trump also asked Homeland Security for “copies of every executive order and directive sent to immigration agents since Obama took office in 2009.”17 That includes the infamous 2012 executive order granting temporary clemency to children brought here by illegal immigrants.

  Trump has promised to handle that situation humanely, but it must be addressed. Barry O seriously undermined the rule of law by signing that executive order, using his “pen and phone” to stab his own countrymen in the back. And he appealed to the same bleeding-heart liberal sensibilities in undermining American borders as Merkel did in undermining Germany’s. Yes, many of these young people didn’t have much choice when their parents brought them into the country illegally, but we’ve seen the results of supporting policies with one’s heart instead of one’s head.

  By “with one’s heart” I mean the millions of liberals who support “open borders,” not the evil-minded politicians like Obama, Merkel, and Clinton who intentionally invade their own countries.

  While there is at least room for a discussion on how to handle the DREAMers compassionately, the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in our prisons or some other form of custody is a no-brainer. They have to go, day one, or as close to it as is reasonably possible.

  For eight long years we’ve watched U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the U.S. Border Control arrest—and then release—illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes in the United States. In 2015 alone, ICE released almost 20,000 criminal illegal aliens, including 208 convicted of murder and more than 900 convicted of sex crimes.18 Over 12,000 more were convicted for drunk driving.

  If you think that last statistic is less onerous, think again. Just last October, illegal alien Edwin Elvir-Palma killed Margarito Nava-Luna while driving drunk and harassing a female driver in another car.19 As you can probably tell by the names, both men were of the same general ethnicity. This is not a racial problem. It’s an immigration problem. Nava-Luna was described as a hardworking family man whose partner and three children are now struggling financially.

  It was by no means an isolated incident. Fatalities caused by drunk-driving illegal aliens were a routine occurrence in Obama’s Third World America.20 I suppose it was easy for him to dismiss these incidents when presented as statistics. They are probably “collateral damage” in his war to “transform” America. A few more traffic fatalities was just the price he was willing to pay for a multiculturalist, socialist “paradise.”

  But I don’t know how any human being could have ignored the heartfelt testimony of a mother whose twenty-one-year-old daughter was killed by an illegal alien driving drunk on a Nebraska road.21 The victim, Sarah Root, had just graduated from Bellevue University with a 4.0 GPA and was planning on pursuing a master’s degree. She was one of our best and brightest, taken away from her family and her nation by someone who should not have even been here in the first place.

  Root’s mother spoke for all of us when she said she is not against immigration. Root’s grandmother was a legal immigrant, as were my own parents. “It’s the illegal immigrants that are already breaking the law once they come over here and they continue to break our laws,” said Root’s mother.22

  It’s just common sense. Anyone here illegally has demonstrated a willingness to break the law. Are some of them in desperate circumstances? Certainly. Some armed robbers are in desperate circumstances, but we don’t look the other way when they rob someone. That doesn’t mean that every illegal alien will go on to commit other crimes, but a much higher percentage of them do. If we could have fewer tragedies like Sarah Root’s just by enforcing existing immigration laws, how could anyone argue not to do so?

  Even if you’re not killed by an illegal alien, just having 11 million of them driving on our roads represents a liability. Traffic accidents are a fact of life, which is why every state requires drivers to carry liability insurance for their automobiles as a condition of issuing a license. But if you’re hit by an illegal alien, you’re out of luck getting damages or medical care covered, even if the accident is not your fault.

  The ivory tower elites in Washington don’t have to worry about such mundane issues as losing your only transportation to work and having no way to pay to replace it or having a skilled-labor job that doesn’t pay you when you’re injured. Those are the kinds of concerns Eddie has to worry about. In his world, the real world, even a simple car accident can mean financial ruin if the party at fault can’t make the plaintiff whole.


  Longtime listeners of my show, The Savage Nation, know I’ve been talking and writing about the dangers of disease and epidemics posed by illegal immigration. My 2015 book, Government Zero, had an entire section called “Importing Disease,” but I’ve been writing about this subject since 1981. I wrote a book that year called Immigrants and Epidemics but could not persuade a publisher to publish it at the time, even though all my previous books had sold. That’s how pervasive “political correctness” already was.

  Importing new or previously eradicated diseases was just more collateral damage for Emperor Barry in his quest to transform America. Breaking just about every public health principle known to man, Barry O first let people from high-risk countries walk into America without adequate screening and then sent them all over the United States, making their diseases impossible to contain.

  We’ve seen outbreaks of EV-D68, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, Chagas disease, all foreign to this country or previously eradicated, thanks to Obama’s immigration policies. Particularly disturbing is the resurgence of tuberculosis, which continues to rise. In the latest reports from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1,565 refugees have been diagnosed with tuberculosis alone since 2012.23 That doesn’t even count 2016 data, which is not available yet.

  Measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, and even bubonic plague are all making a comeback24 in our formerly First World nation, thanks to Obama’s immigration policies. Can you believe twenty-first-century Americans have to worry about bubonic plague? Well, there were sixteen cases in the United States last year. Four of the patients died.25

  Welcome back to the Middle Ages, folks. That’s where a government with the mental disorder called liberalism has taken us. They’ve empowered the ninth-century throwbacks ISIS to take over the Middle East and invade Europe, so people can be murdered and raped Middle Ages-style by barbarians, based on a thousand-year-old murder cult. And they’ve undone the greatest public health achievement in human history by allowing previously eradicated, Middle Ages diseases to regain a foothold in the twenty-first-century First World.

  More of both were scheduled to arrive in this country starting January 20, when Hillary Clinton was supposed to take office to oversee the “transformation” progressives had planned for America. In addition to war with Russia, free college, more welfare, and higher taxes, Hatchet Hillary planned on expanding Obama’s disastrous refugee program and signing into law whatever amnesty for illegals bill the liberals and RINOs in Congress finally came up with.

  Obviously, immigration was a centerpiece of Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s the number one reason he won. But the danger from importing diseases the population is not equipped to handle is one that rarely gets the attention it deserves. As a trained epidemiologist, I am particularly interested in this issue. But most presidential candidates don’t go near it. Up until now, it’s been yet another politically incorrect third rail.

  I had Donald Trump on my show back in July26 and he said even his people had told him not to talk about this. Donald Trump, the Grim Reaper for Political Correctness, had actually been told to avoid the subject of diseased immigrants while campaigning. Of course, Trump didn’t heed the campaign advice. He talked about it and was roundly excoriated by all the usual liberal suspects in the media. As we now know, that only made him more popular with the voters.

  It is imperative that Trump’s administration clean house at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and CDC. We need to restore the commonsense public health policies that helped us eradicate all of these diseases in the first place. It’s not rocket science.

  First, we know exactly where the diseases are coming from. According to the CDC, 66 percent of all U.S. tuberculosis cases occurred in foreign-born individuals, the majority from seven countries.27 I’ll bet you can’t guess the name of the very first country on the list. Or maybe you can. It’s Mexico.

  That’s one more reason for a big, beautiful wall. Do you think not allowing hundreds of thousands of people from the number one exporter of tuberculosis to just walk into the country without so much as an ID check, much less a medical screening, might be a good idea? Is it now beginning to become clear just how completely the open borders crowd in D.C., Democrats and Republicans, have sold us out?

  The Democrats want multiculturalism, the Republicans cheap labor. Both have been willing to let a previously eradicated, fatal disease regain its foothold in the United States to serve their own ends.

  The CDC is part of an international association known as the “Stop TB Partnership.” That organization’s website lists the “countries with the highest burden of TB, TB and HIV co-infection (TB/HIV) and multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).”28 There are thirty of them and they read like a list of every country from where Obama either imported refugees or invited in sick illegal immigrants.

  So, if we know where most of the diseases are coming from, we should institute a policy to screen individuals traveling from those countries into the United States. Public Health 101: Don’t let the disease in.

  But no screening program is ever going to be perfect, so the next logical step is to contain the disease geographically. It’s just common sense. When a family member has a cold, what do you naturally do? You try to avoid contact with that person for a few days, until they are no longer contagious. People even quarantine themselves to a certain extent. Have you ever had a friend decline to shake your hand or embrace you because they are sick and don’t want to pass the infection on to you? That’s a good friend. It’s the right thing to do.

  That said, doesn’t it stand to reason we should exercise at least the same precautions, possibly even a few more stringent ones, for someone with tuberculosis or bubonic plague? What about travelers arriving in the United States from high-burden countries for those diseases? Is it not the responsibility of our government to ensure they are not admitting people infected with these deadly diseases?

  I wrote another whole book on this subject last year. It is an ebook called Diseases Without Borders. Not only does it go into much more detail on the threat posed by immigration from countries with high infection rates for deadly diseases, but it provides a host of information on using diet, proper hygiene techniques, and other simple steps to supercharge your immune system and protect yourself against the threat to your health millions of immigrants and visitors from high-risk countries represent.

  There is a chapter in that book called “The Case for Quarantine,” in which I exposed the ineffectiveness of “self-quarantine” policies, reviewed the history of quarantine in this country, and made the case for why we need to bring back this common-sense response to the presence of potentially pandemic diseases. I’ll give you the short version here: We’ve done it before and it worked. We need to do it again when dealing with travelers coming from countries with live epidemics or higher-than-normal infection rates of deadly diseases.

  I don’t need to tell you that this is precisely the opposite of what has been going on under the Community Organizer for the past eight years. Instead of screening immigrants and visitors, we’ve let them walk right in. We’ve even subsidized their travel here from high-infection-rate countries under Obama’s refugee program. Then, as if that weren’t bad enough, Obama shipped them to every corner of the nation, as if trying to start an epidemic. That’s what happens when political ideology takes precedence over public health. Not only has the government abandoned basic public health protocols; it’s abandoned science itself, something I talk about in more detail in another chapter.

  Trump is going to have to turn this around, no matter how many people have to be fired and how many politically correct taboos have to be shattered. He’s going to be resisted by every progressive, socialist, and RINO in Washington, who all have vested interests in keeping the immigrant spigot wide open.


  The plot to invade America with hordes of foreigners from alien culture
s, just like Merkel has done to Germany, doesn’t end with the federal government. Virtually every liberal government official in the country is in on it, including the mayors of so-called sanctuary cities.

  I’ve been talking and writing about sanctuary cities for years, but in case you’re late to the party, sanctuary cities are called sanctuaries because, in one way or another, they refuse to cooperate with the federal government on enforcing immigration. Often, they instruct police and even employees dispensing welfare benefits not to inquire about a person’s immigration status or require proof of citizenship.

  At least thirty-seven of these cities have declared their intent to resist Donald Trump’s promise to cut off federal funding to sanctuary cities that persist in these policies.29 And you’ll never believe how they’re attempting to justify this virtual treason: with states’ rights. “It’s about federalism. It’s about separation of powers,” said Bill Ong Hing, a law professor at the University of San Francisco and the founder of the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.30

  Can you believe this? I thought states’ rights was an argument only made by racist right-wingers who wanted to bring back slavery. Doesn’t this mean that the Immigrant Legal Resource Center is a “neo-Confederate,” racist organization? Why hasn’t the Southern Poverty Law Center put it on its hate group list?

  It would be funny if it weren’t so dangerous. Can you imagine any liberal citing the Tenth Amendment after supporting the dictator who nationalized the health insurance industry and ran roughshod over states’ authority to regulate their own energy industries with his Clean Power Plan, not to mention the Supreme Court’s nationalization of marriage in its same-sex-marriage decision? Such a person should be laughed out of the room, but he won’t be. Instead, he’s held up as a constitutional scholar making a serious argument about states’ rights.