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Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Read online
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For the record, Johnson has expressed his pro-leftist political views frequently. He was an important fund-raiser for Obama’s 2008 campaign, and he was in favor of repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. He’s also spoken out in support of Eric Holder’s position against upholding the Defense of Marriage Act.
Although no immigration reform legislation has been passed and a new immigration law won’t be passed in Obama’s second term, Johnson is making plans to enforce it anyway. He explained, “I have already directed the deputy director of Homeland Security to coordinate the process to ensure we are ready to implement the law.”13 Johnson didn’t need to say that he’s “making plans”; he’s already doing everything in his power to enforce the nonlaw.
At the same time, as Obamacare threatens to undermine American businesses, the White House has unilaterally imposed a policy that encourages businesses to hire illegal aliens by cutting fines imposed on businesses that do so. The Justice Department inspector general overseeing the Department of Homeland Security recently revealed in a report that the DHS has reduced the penalties by an average of 40 percent for those hiring illegal aliens. This at a time when, as the report says, “the federal government was supposed to be putting more of an emphasis on going after [those] employers.” The legislation imposing such penalties is written to allow a great deal of discretion: Fines can be reduced or suspended “if it seems the businesses’ finances can’t handle a large penalty.” The inspector general explained that “the knowledge that fines can be significantly reduced may diminish the effectiveness of fines as a deterrent to hiring unauthorized workers.”14
If you want to know where the values and principles of congressional Democrats lie today, you don’t have to look any further than Harry Reid. He decided to allow his party’s extension of unemployment insurance benefits to die in the Senate rather than even allow a vote on a Republican amendment that would restore benefits to veterans that had been cut. Right now, tax credit payments that should go to military veterans are instead being diverted to illegal immigrants. Reid, who has not bothered to consult Republicans about the unemployment insurance bill he wants to pass, wouldn’t even consider an amendment that ensures that people applying for the Additional Tax Credit program show their Social Security number. This amendment alone would take $4.2 billion tax credit money that was obtained by illegal aliens in 2011 and distribute it to our military veterans.
Reid said no.15
Reid couldn’t care less about our veterans. He has more important things to think about, like making sure illegal immigrants have enough money for strollers, bassinets, and the Baby Gap outfits they buy for their anchor babies born on American soil.
Are We Becoming Cultural Marxists?
As I see it, in addition to doing everything it can to eliminate our borders, the current administration is promoting the stealth takeover of our government, our education system, our popular culture, and the profession of journalism in this country. The advance of leftist values and policies that characterizes this takeover has weakened the moral and cultural foundation on which this country rose to become the most powerful nation on earth. Under this administration, the war on culture has expanded to include the left’s war on Christians, on women, on men, on children, on minorities, and on the rule of law.
What most people don’t understand is that this war has been going on under liberal leadership for well over a century, dating back to the Civil War.
And the result of this century and a half of moral erosion? Today you can’t turn on a television set, sit down in a movie theater, or open a newspaper or magazine without being bombarded with filth that would have gotten its creators jailed little more than half a century ago. The leftist lack of principles behind the disappearance of moral and cultural decency has infiltrated our federal government and many of our most important institutions. From the Department of Justice to the IRS to the U.S. military, our institutions are rife with corruption that threatens U.S. politics and our national security. Chicago and New York are under the control of Rahm Emanuel and Bill de Blasio, leftists who are making Tammany Hall look like child’s play. They’ll stop at nothing until they’ve reduced their cities to rubble that rivals Detroit.
The history of the political convictions that have consistently formed the foundation of the left’s agenda is a history of anger at, and hatred of, capitalism, religion, and individual initiative. Leftists hate the very foundations of Western culture. Every baseless critique launched by contemporary Democrats brands them as implicitly remorseless and unapologetic practitioners of a reductive and degenerate method of operation based on lies and unrelenting criticism of the opposition. The leftist commitment to destroying capitalism and democratic government in the United States has metastasized to the point where we no longer have an option: We’ve got to find ways to eliminate the influence they’ve accumulated as they infiltrate every aspect of American life.
What we’re facing in the United States today is the rise of what can be called cultural Marxism. In the 1960s, the slogan “Make love, not war” became the rallying cry of a generation of hippies and leftist subversives who opposed the War in Vietnam. The words were credited to Herbert Marcuse, a communist professor who escaped Nazi Germany in the 1930s and set up shop in America. Marcuse and another popular Marxist author, Erich Fromm, became influential leaders of the movement toward Marxism in this country. Both Marcuse and Fromm were proponents of what was called “polymorphous sexuality.” That term for them represented the ultimate liberation of mankind from sexual repression and from the need to work for a living. They envisioned a society in which American citizens would give up individual freedom to the state and become pleasure-seeking functionaries whose only value consisted in pushing the envelope of hedonism.
The idea surfaced again in early 2014 when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its estimate that Obamacare will eliminate 2.5 million jobs over the next decade. The left was quick to respond. The New York Times explained that reducing the work force by millions would be “liberating.” The paper explained that it “will free people, young and old, to pursue careers or retirement without having to worry about health coverage.” These people no longer need “to feel locked into a job they don’t like because they need insurance for themselves or their families.”16
Nancy Pelosi quickly added her voice in defense of the Affordable Care Act. In her response, Pelosi agreed with the Times, saying that the goal of the ACA is to “give people life, a healthy life, liberty to pursue their happiness.”17 Her words are merely a resurrection of Marcuse’s 1960s slogan, only with this slight change: “Make love, not money.”
To me, it has already become clear that federal subsidies of any kind destroy the work ethic that has made America the most powerful and economically successful nation on Earth. Since President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society legislation was passed in the 1960s, the federal government has spent $20 trillion to fund programs that dole out everything from cash to food stamps to housing to medical care to Americans who are unable or unwilling to provide for themselves and their families. We spent nearly a trillion dollars on subsidies in 2012 as Obama ramped up his administration’s efforts to make sure that minorities and other low-income people would remain trapped in the inner-city public-housing prisons that were also part of Johnson’s vision. Nearly a third of America’s 315 million people received assistance from at least one of the eighty federal subsidy programs now in existence. The average cost was $9,000 per person.18
At the same time, as this spending was skyrocketing, Americans most in need of finding the employment that would truly raise their standard of living and provide them with the means to support their families remained hostage to a federal culture that insists on clinging to a 1960s leftist agenda. What the American left has done to its neediest citizens is criminal.
Before Lyndon Johnson intervened to make sure blacks would become dependent on the government for just about everythi
ng they needed to live, black participation in the labor market was equal to or greater than that of whites. Today the “official” African-American unemployment rate—which doesn’t take into account the enormous number of blacks who aren’t even trying to find jobs—is around 14 percent. In fact, when you count those who don’t even try to find a job, it’s nearly 50 percent. When the numbers are added up, under this administration more than 60 percent of young black people are no longer even part of the labor force. It’s the lowest ever recorded in our history.19
While the president is ostensibly trying to improve minorities’ educational outcomes by handing out $200 million through executive order so he can keep this important constituent base dependent on government subsidies, Attorney General Holder and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio are doing everything in their power to keep blacks from realizing their full potential by making sure they’re deprived of exactly the opportunities Obama’s money is supposed to provide.
As I’ve already mentioned, both Holder and de Blasio have done everything they can to make sure blacks and Hispanics don’t have the educational opportunities they need. Finally a group of New York City parents has filed a federal lawsuit against de Blasio for violating their civil rights in denying the charter schools access to space in public schools without giving them time to find other space. In doing so, he was effectively closing down the charter schools that were providing their children with the quality education that’s sorely missing in New York City’s bureaucratic public school educational tangle.20 The parents are also suing the Department of Education—run by another Chicago liberal, Arne Duncan—to challenge de Blasio’s reversal of former mayor Michael Bloomberg’s wholehearted support of charter schools.
The left is all for improving the educational outcomes of the underprivileged as long as it doesn’t interfere with their efforts to keep the underprivileged trapped in what I see as the leftist hell Democratic policies have created for them.
The situation with blacks in America is similar to that with Jews: I cannot understand how African-Americans can vote for a president who is out to destroy their chances of ever rising out of the poverty and dependence in which so many of them still live, and I can’t understand why Jewish voters in this country vote for a president who hates Israel and is doing everything he can to destroy our homeland.
But the cultural Marxism that is being imposed on the most vulnerable of Americans has crept far beyond merely spending money to keep them imprisoned. It’s invaded everything from our military to the Christian churches and communities so reviled by the left.
As I’ve said many times on my show, I’m a sexual libertarian. What you want to do with a consenting partner is your business. I don’t care. You can dress up like Tinker Bell and run around your bedroom in tights and a tutu. As long as I don’t have to watch you, I don’t care. I should say, I don’t care as long as it’s within the law, and you’re not hurting another person, and it doesn’t involve children.
And as long as you don’t run the country.
Our president is a metrosexual.
And metrosexuality is a foundational component of leftist values.
Marxist culture is built on the inherent distrust of strong males. The cultural Marxists base their hatred of men and their suppression of maleness on the fact that they see patriarchal societies and culture as the enemies of the state. Male-dominated capitalism equals oppression to Marxists, or so they say. They beat this drum to rally those who feel oppressed. A virile, successful man is cast as the enemy. The left’s agenda can succeed only if the male population is neutralized and disempowered.21
Part of this administration’s war against American males is carried out through what I see as its decimation of the military, which I’ll talk about in the next chapter. For now, let me talk about another aspect of this conflict.
This administration seems to be spending on defense only when that money goes to embarrass the military. The president signed off on an appropriation to change the dress hat marines have been proudly wearing since 1922. The new one, which some commanders are calling “a porter’s hat” and “a girly hat,” would cost the military $8 million. “We don’t even have enough funding to buy bullets,” one commander said, “and now the [Department of Defense] is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women’s hats!”22
I’m not stupid. I know what the political correctness police are going to say about this, especially about the “girly hat” remark above and other cultural observations I might make. But this isn’t about political correctness. This is the administration injecting a deadly virus into a proud military organization to corrupt it from within. Retired Army major general Patrick Brady calls it “girly-men leadership” and says the president gives medals for not shooting and for operating a computer. “This president will never fight if there is any reason to avoid it,” said the Medal of Honor recipient, “and with a helpless military he can just point to our weakness and shrug his shoulders.”23
This administration’s military policies include expanding the cultural Marxism that characterizes all his policies to include Christians in the military. One of the president’s pet projects is the DoD’s Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute. The DEOMI was formed in 1971 to help address racial inequality in the military. From that admirable start, it has morphed into a leftist propaganda factory promoting radical feminist issues and spreading anti-Christian directives while shredding the iconic image of our armed forces.
Here’s what the DEOMI manual states:
Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege.… In spite of slave insurrections, civil war, the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the women’s suffrage movement leading to the 19th amendment, the civil rights movement, urban rebellions and the contemporary feminist movement, the [white male’s] club persists.24
Think about those statements. Think about the garbage being fed to impressionable young men and women by this administration, and then recall the square-jawed soldiers that for decades on recruitment posters successfully encouraged men—and, yes, even women—to join the armed services. What do you think the recruitment posters of the near future will look like?
The Persecution of Christians Knows No Borders
In one of its presentations, a page dealing with “Religious Extremism,” the DEOMI manual lists radical extremist religious groups including al Qaeda, the Nation of Islam, and the Ku Klux Klan. But it also lists “Evangelical Christianity (U.S./Christian)” and “Catholicism (U.S./Christian).” The sourcing the Defense Department uses for this training material is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).25 The SPLC is an anti-Christian, anti-conservative group that exists primarily to attack Christians and members of the Tea Party. In my opinion, they’re one of the most biased leftist organizations you can find, and their influence now extends to contaminating our military’s training material.
So how does the administration respond to criticism of this group by Christians and conservatives? The DoD says that the SPLC will continue to be an important source for developing training material for the U.S. military. It doesn’t matter that the SPLC’s website features a “hate map” that identifies Christian organizations that defend traditional marriage.26
There is one piece of good news about the SPLC: The FBI no longer counts the group as a “resource” on which it depends. Fifteen family groups had petitioned Eric Holder and FBI head James Comey to stop endorsing the group, and they agreed.27
The administration’s war on Christians also extends to their First Amendment rights in the military. In one of our military academies, Christians are no longer allowed to write Bible verses on the whiteboards in their dormitory rooms, although Air Force Academy officials have not yet required them to remove these expressions of faith. And they’re not supposed to talk about the
ir religious views, either, although they’re specifically permitted to do so by law.28
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an organization that is precisely the opposite of what its name states, is a radical anti-Christian organization that maintains close ties with the Defense Department in order to eliminate religious expression from the military. The Pentagon under this administration seems committed to not allowing religious freedom of expression, despite the fact that the protection of religious expression was signed into law in late 2013. The president had threatened to veto the legislation but let it pass.
In other words, it became one more law the president would simply choose to ignore. It’s one more way in which the cultural Marxism that characterizes Obama’s regime is imposing its views on our military.
So in today’s upside-down military world, patriotic soldiers are publicly humiliated and fired, while corrosive organizations like the DEOMI are liberally funded and thrive.
How can this go on, you ask?
I’m just getting started.
This administration’s war against men goes way beyond the military, and its attack extends to everything that defines men, from their civil rights to the way they dress to their health care to male culture. I’ll give the president this: He didn’t start the left’s war against the patriarchy; that’s been going on forever. To the left, a strong man is the very emblem of democratic capitalism’s evil power.
When a film such as Lone Survivor, which celebrates the heroism of America’s Navy SEALs, is released, leftist critics pan it as a multi-million-dollar recruitment video, a tool “of military indoctrination geared toward the young and impressionable.” The critics go on to complain that the Taliban commander featured in the film “is presented as a terrible guy,” and that the film is unsympathetic to the Taliban terrorists attacking the SEALs.29