Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth Page 25
27. Hoft, Jim, “Looking Back on Benghazi: US Hero Waited 20 Hours on Rooftop with Shredded Leg While Obama Went Campaigning,” Gateway Pundit, January 16, 2014 (
28. Muñoz, Carlos, “Report: CIA using polygraph tests to ensure Benghazi operations stay secret,” Hill, August 1, 2013 (
29. Johnson, Bridget, “New Benghazi Report Finds ‘Severely Degraded’ Readiness and a Pentagon Struggling to Catch Up,” PJ Media, February 11, 2014 (
30. Lopez, Claire M., “CIA Files from Benghazi: Now in the Hands of Al Qaeda?” Pundicity, February 13, 2014 (
31. Dareini, Ali Akbar, “Iran’s Guard Says It Has Multiple Warhead Missiles,” Big Story, AP, March 5, 2014 (
32. Newman, Marissa, “Iranian general: Obama’s Threats are ‘the Joke of the Year,’ ” Times of Israel, March 4, 2014 (
33. Ibid.
34. De Luce, Dan, “Pentagon Plans to Shrink US Army to Pre-WWII Level,” Yahoo! News UK and Ireland, February 25, 2014 (
35. Wong, Kristina, “Pentagon Budget Slashes Benefits,” Hill, February 24, 2014 (
36. Bedard, Paul, “Expert: Iran Ships a Dry Run for Later Nuclear/EMP Attack; Humiliate Obama,” Washington Examiner, February 14, 2014 (
37. Kahlili, Reza, “Iranian Commander: We Have Targets Within America,” Daily Caller, February 1, 2014 (
38. Klein, Aaron, “Iran Proposes Joint Naval Exercise with Russia. Show of Strength as Interim Nuclear Deal Takes Effect,” KleinOnline, February 14, 2014 (
39. Gertz, Bill, “High Speed Threat,” Washington Free Beacon, January 31, 2014 (
40. “Iran Sends Warships to US Maritime Borders,”, February 8, 2014 (
41. Zion, Ilan Ben, “Iranian TV airs simulated bombing of Tel Aviv, US aircraft carrier,” Times of Israel, February 8, 2014 (
42. Buchanan, Patrick J., “Staying Out of Other People’s Wars,”, February 7, 2014 (
43. “Obama’s Army Only 85% Ready to Fight,” Investor’s Business Daily, January 31, 2014 (
44. Wong, Kristina, “Two Navy Admirals Suspended amid Mushrooming Bribery, Prostitution Scandal,” Washington Times, November 10, 2013 (
45. Associated Press, “Marines Delay Female Fitness Plan After Half Fail Pull-Up Test,” Fox News, January 2, 2014 (
46. Taylor, Guy, and Rowan Scarborough, “Ominous warning: Admiral concedes U.S. losing dominance to China,” Washington Times, January 16, 2014 (
47. Higbie, Carl, “Navy SEALs Ordered to Remove ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Navy Jack from Uniforms,” Daily Caller, November 1, 2013 ( This article includes the e-mail quoted in the text.
Chapter 5: The War on the Middle Class
1. “Baltimore’s People of the Woods: Inside the Hidden Homeless Camps Made of Milk Crates, Wooden Doors and Tarps on the Outskirts of Town,” MailOnline, February 21, 2014 (
2. “Constitution of the United States,” The Charters of Freedom, National Archives (
3. Dr. Econ, “Is the Federal Reserve a Privately Owned Corporation?” Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, September 2003 (
4. Meyer, Ali, “Bernanke Leaves Fed with Record Balance Sheet of $4,102,138,000,000,”, January 31, 2014 (
5. Kurtzleben, Danielle, “National Debt Interest Payments Dwarf Other Government Spending,” U.S. News and World Report, November 19, 2012 (
6. Chantrill, Christopher, “Government Revenue in the US,” (
7. Lokey, Colin, “Policy Failure: ZIRP, Bubbles, and How the Fed Has Cost Savers 9 Trillion in 11 Years,” Seeking Alpha, October 11, 2012 (
8. Roberts, Paul Craig, “The Money Changers Serenade: A New Plot Hatches,”, December 1, 2013 (
9. Roberts, Paul Craig, “The Money Changers Serenade: A New Bankers’ Plot to Steal Your Deposits,” Global Research, November 22, 2013 (
10. Roberts, Paul Craig, “Defeated by the Taliban, Washington Decides to Take on Russia and China,”, December 5, 2013 (
11. Huszar, Andrew, “Andrew Huszar: Confessions of a Quantitative Easer,” Wall Street Journal, November 11, 2013 (; quoted in Roberts, “The Money Changers Serenade: A New Plot Hatches.”
12. Kelly, “Gold Wars Synopsis,” Gold Wars, November 21, 2013 (
13. Quinn, James, “Obama Promises US Taxpayer Will Never Again Foot Bill for Banks,” Telegraph (UK), July 21, 2010 (
14. Levine, Matt, “EU Is Shocked That Banks Colluded on LIBOR,” Bloomberg View, December 4, 2013 (
15. The Doc, “Jim Rickards Explains How Gold Will Reach $7,000/oz at the Sovereign Man Event in Chile,” Silver Doctors, May 9, 2013 (
16. Rhyne, Denise, “Naked Silver Shorting,” You Should Buy, December 2011 (
17. Ross, Alice K., Nick Mathiason, and Will Fitzgibbon, “Robot Wars: How High Frequency Trading Changed Global Markets,” The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, September 16, 2012 (http://ww
18. “The Impact of the September 2008 Economic Collapse,” The Pew Charitable Trusts, April 28, 2010 (
19. Boyer, Dave, “That’s Rich: Poverty Level Under Obama Breaks 50-Year Record,” Washington Times, January 7, 2014 (
20. Taylor, Kristinn, “Black Labor Force Participation Rate Under Obama Hits Rock Bottom—Lowest Level Ever Recorded,” Gateway Pundit, January 13, 2014 (
21. Jones, Imara, “The Crisis in Black and Brown Youth Unemployment,” Colorlines, January 15, 2014 (
22. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Economic News Release,” August 20, 2013 (
23. Durden, Tyler, “People Not in Labor Force Soar to Record 91.8 Million; Participation Rate Plunges to 1978 Levels,” Zero Hedge, January 10, 2014 (
24. Will, George F., “For Liberals, Gestures Mean More Than Market Reality,” Investor’s Business Daily, January 10, 2014 (
25. Jones, Susan, “Biden: ‘Single Women with Children in a Dead-End Job’ Can Quit Because of Obamacare,”, February 26, 2014 (
26. “Hurting the 0.3%,” Wall Street Journal, February 18, 2014 (
27. Congressional Budget Office, “Labor Market Effects of the Affordable Care Act: Updated Estimates,” appendix to The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2014 to 2024, February 2014 (
28. Boyer, Dave, “Obama: ‘Whenever I Can Take Steps Without Legislation,’ I Will,” Washington Times, February 8, 2014 (
29. Plumer, Brad, “Why Are 47 Million Americans on Food Stamps? It’s the Recession—Mostly,” Washington Post, September 23, 2013 (
30. “Judicial Watch Uncovers USDA Records Sponsoring U.S. Food Stamp Program for Illegal Aliens,” Judicial Watch, April 26, 2013 (
31. Snyder, Michael, “The More Illegal Immigrants That Go on Food Stamps the More Money JP Morgan Makes,” The Economic Collapse, April 28, 2013 (
32. “Economics and the Civil War,” History Central (
33. Turchin, Peter, “Blame Rich, Overeducated Elites As Our Society Frays,” Bloomberg View, November 20, 2013 (
34. Durden, Tyler, “The World’s 2170 Billionaires Control $33 Trillion in Net Worth, Double the US GDP,” Zero Hedge, November 23, 2013 (
35. Schwartz, Nelson D., “The Middle Class Is Steadily Eroding. Just Ask the Business World.” New York Times, February 2, 2014 (®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article&_r=0).
36. Katz, Ian, “China’s Treasury Holdings Climb to Record in Government Data,” Bloomberg News, January 15, 2014 (
37. “PBOC Says No Longer in China’s Interest to Increase Reserves,” Bloomberg News, November 20, 2013 (
38. Miller, Terry, “America’s Dwindling Economic Freedom,” Wall Street Journal, January 13, 2014 (
39. Goad, Benjamin, “Government Report Finds Regulations Have Spiked Under Obama,” Hill, May 15, 2013 (
40. Kudlow, Lawrence, “Obama Doesn’t Understand the Power of the Free Market,” Investor’s Business Daily, December 6, 2013 (
41. Quoted in Gapper, John, “Capitalism: In search of balance,” Financial Times, December 23, 2013, (
42. “Rerum Novarum: Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII On Capital and Labor,” The Holy See,
43. Shedlock, Mike, “Bottom 5 States in Fiscal Condition: New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachussetts, California,” Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis, January 19, 2014 (
44. Bedard, Paul, “Wall Street Adviser: Actual Unemployment Is 37.2%, ‘Misery Index’ Worst in 40 Years,” Washington Examiner, January 21, 2014 (
45. “Stagflation, Anyone?” Investor’s Business Daily, February 18, 2014 (
Chapter 6: The War on American Medicine
1. Goodman, John, “Popular Medicare Drug Plans Are Under Assault,” Forbes, February 25, 2014 (
2. Herrick, Devon M., “ObamaCare Weakens Medicare Drug Program That Works,” Investor’s Business Daily, February 24, 2014 (
3. Rousselle, Christine, “Vermont Democrats Labeling State’s Single-Payer Health Plan a Failure,”, March 18, 2014 (
4. Bajak, Frank, “Doctors Say Venezuela’s Health Care in Collapse,” Big Story, AP, November 6, 2013 (
5. Hall, Wynton, “Obamacare Skyrockets Cancer Patient’s Meds to $14,000,” Breitbart, February 24, 2014 (
6. Hall, Wynton, “Democrats Declare War Against Obamacare Cancer Patients,” Breitbart, February 24, 2014 (
7. Bajak, “Doctors Say Venezuela’s Health Care in Collapse.”
8. Hurtubise, Sarah, “Fourth Georgia Hospital Closes Due to Obamacare Payme
nt Cuts,” Daily Caller, February 18, 2014 (
9. Gupta, Girish, “Venezuelan Military Seizes Major Retain Chain,” USA Today, November 9, 2013 (
10. Klein, Philip, “Obamacare Official: ‘Let’s Just Make Sure It’s Not a Third-World Experience,’ ” Washington Examiner, March 22, 2013 (
11. Rabin, Roni Caryn, “Doctors Are Concerned About Pay Scales Under Health Care Law,” McClatchy DC, November 20, 2013 (
12. “New Health Plans Sold Through Exchanges Not Accepted At Some Prestigious NYC Hospitals,” Washington Post, November 20, 2013 (this article is no longer available online).
13. Alonso-Zaldivar, Ricardo, “Concerns About Cancer Centers Under Health Law,” Yahoo! News, March 18, 2014 (;_ylt=AwrBEiGoqShT13AAnEfQtDMD).
14. “Nation’s Elite Cancer Hospitals Off-Limits Under Obamacare,” New York Post, March 19, 2014 (
15. McCaughey, Betsy, “How ObamaCare Slaps the Sick,” New York Post, March 4, 2014 (
16. Reuters, “UnitedHealth Drops Thousands of Doctors from Insurance Plans: WSJ,” Yahoo! News, November 15, 2013 (
17. Klein, Aaron, “Chavez-Linked Group Crafted ‘Keep Your Health Plan,’ ” WND, November 14, 2013 (