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It’s also exactly what will happen on a national level if Obamacare is allowed to stand. We need a national group of Green Mountain Boys.
Ted Cruz was right when he said that Obama is abusing his power. But what president hasn’t? People were saying Obama lied. And Bush didn’t lie about weapons of mass destruction?
I like Ted Cruz. I think he has guts. But he and the others are missing the point. It’s not that the president is simply abusing his power—he’s reaching for more.
My friends, we are in not the first stages, not the infancy stages, not the adolescent stages quite yet—we are in the childhood of socialism in the United States. And ObamaScare is the most important tool in advancing the president’s goal of turning our country into the United Socialist States of America and the president himself into the American Castro.
As incompetent as this administration appears to be, it may well be engaging in purposeful incompetence. Remember that phrase; you read it here first. Like planned obsolescence, used to explain the 1970s automobile industry in Detroit, years from now they’ll be using the phrase purposeful incompetence to describe the current administration. The administration’s missteps in rolling out Obamacare could actually be part of a devious but ingenious plan that would reduce the best, most advanced health-care system in the world to one that rivals Venezuela’s.
Let me tell you what’s happening in Venezuela. The South American country’s centrally planned socialist economy is collapsing, its citizens are rioting in the streets, and there’s not enough money to provide drugs for patients of the state-run health-care system. As the Venezuelan economy implodes and the country’s health-care system runs out of money and doctors, people are dying from easily treatable diseases.
The government stopped publishing health-care statistics in 2010, but estimates are that three-quarters of Venezuela’s twenty thousand cancer patients are no longer receiving treatment. The ones who are have been forced to buy their own medical supplies.4
There are indications that the same thing is beginning to happen here. The mother of Ralston College president Stephen Blackwood had been battling cancer for years, and her Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan paid for her medical treatments and the drug Sandostatin, which was enabling her to continue her fight against the disease. When Obamacare eliminated her coverage, she shopped around and bought insurance from Humana. Only days before she was scheduled for another surgery, she was informed that her new plan would not pay for the drug that was keeping her alive. Thanks to Obamacare, she and her family would have to pay $14,000 out of pocket just so she could continue on Sandostatin. Her son explained it clearly to a journalist reporting the story: “Obamacare made my mother’s old plan illegal, and it forced her to buy a new plan that would accelerate her disease and death.”5
Why aren’t there voices raised in outrage? How in God’s name can a country that has set the world’s medical standard for fifty years allow this to occur? Because the administration won’t allow anyone to speak out.
Do you know what happens if you publicize the problems people are experiencing because of Obamacare? The Democrats threaten to revoke the licenses of radio and television stations that might be broadcasting these stories. Heading into the midterm elections, which will be loaded with ads that are critical of Obamacare, Dems are out to stop their political opponents from running any that talk about the disastrous plan. In a letter to the editor of a local paper, Michigan Democratic Senate candidate Gary Peters warned broadcasters that they could lose their licenses for airing what he called “false and misleading advertising,” also known as what sane people would call the truth about Obamacare.6
From lunatic lefty Paul Krugman to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, Democrats are doing whatever they can to stifle the truth that Obamacare is sentencing us to a Venezuelan-like health-care system.
In Venezuela, two-thirds of the three hundred state-run hospitals have been reduced to walk-in clinics run by Cuban doctors. These clinics do not treat serious illnesses.7 In the United States, the same thing is already beginning to happen: Four Georgia hospitals have been forced by Obamacare to shut down in the past two years, because Obamacare cuts payments for emergency services so drastically that they were on the verge of bankruptcy. The same thing is happening in half the states in the United States, which have rejected the expansion of Medicaid that Obamacare called for.8
With its medical system continuing its collapse, the Venezuelan government seized a major retail chain, ordered a military occupation of the chain’s outlets, and lowered the prices of everything in the stores. What followed was described as “government-sanctioned looting.”9
Our collapse will very likely mirror Venezuela’s if Obamacare is not repealed.
Think it can’t happen here?
In March 2013, Henry Chao met with an insurance industry lobbying group called America’s Health Insurance Plans. Chao’s job was pretty straightforward: Create an easy-to-use database with a user interface that enabled people to go online, enter some information, have the information verified, and present them with options for health insurance programs they could sign up for.
During the insurance conference, Chao did his best to make sure the representatives of the health insurance community didn’t expect much. He said that he’d long since given up expectations of creating “a world-class user experience.” It was in this conversation where he made his now infamous comment of just hoping that Obamacare wouldn’t be “a third-world experience.”10
I’ve told my radio audiences over and over that Obama is intent on reducing the United States to just another third-world country through his attempts to destroy our capitalist economy. Finally, one of Obama’s own lieutenants—the leader of software development, no less—validates me!
The evidence is overwhelming. The Affordable Care Act was written, perhaps intentionally, in such a way that the best health-care system in the world would be reduced to the level of Venezuela’s. Pay rates for doctors who accept government health-care insurance are cut dramatically from what is necessary to run a medical practice. Both insurance industry professionals and physicians agree that this is already leading to a two-tiered medical system, with many doctors opting out of Obamacare, while those who remain will be overrun with hordes of new patients they’re unable to treat, thanks to the fact that there is already a shortage of primary care physicians in the United States.11
New York is one of a number of states in which the best hospitals are not available to ACA patients. Not a single Obamacare insurance plan includes the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City among the hospitals covered, for instance. Since the list of hospitals and doctors you can choose from is limited to your local area, you won’t even be allowed to go to a hospital that isn’t just around the corner from you, and most hospitals in your state won’t be available to you anyway.12
It’s not only New York City cancer patients who are finding their primary sources of treatment unavailable. Doctors, hospital administrators, and insurance regulators are seeing this happen all around the country. A survey conducted by the Associated Press revealed that, for instance, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is not available in policies offered by five of the eight insurance companies in the state of Washington. Fewer than half of the insurance plans in the Houston area include the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Only four of the top nineteen comprehensive cancer centers said that Obamacare patients have access to their services in their responses to a national questionnaire.13
The four that are included are the Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore; Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia; Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina; and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville.
There’s a catch, though. They’re not included in low-cost Obamacare plans.
There are also inevitably limits of some sort on who can receive cancer treatment under Obamacare plans. Buffalo’s Roswell Park Cancer Institute is not covered by eleve
n of the sixteen Obamacare insurers in New York State. St. Louis’s Siteman Cancer Center is included in a number of insurance plans, although none of them are included in Obamacare. Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City is not included in Obamacare plans underwritten by Humana.14
Obamacare was sold as health insurance that would take care of people who have pre-existing medical conditions that would have caused them to be denied insurance before the ACA was passed. What’s happening, though, is the exact opposite. As many people who are sick are finding out, they’re not covered by their Obamacare policies. It’s healthy people who are covered.
Are you in good health and want to get a “free” mammogram or a “free” colonoscopy? No problem. Are you sexually active and want “free” contraceptives? Obamacare welcomes you. You’ve got them.
Have cancer and want to get the best treatment available? It’s a completely different story.
Do you know what happened when Dr. Katherine Albrecht tried to get treatment for her Stage 3c breast cancer through Obamacare in the state of New Hampshire? Her doctors told her to “get her affairs in order.” They told her to resign herself to death. Her private insurer, though, took a different approach. It paid for her to go to Dana-Farber Cancer Center in Boston, and later to Weill Cornell Breast Cancer Center. She was treated successfully and recovered. When Obamacare became law, her private policy was canceled. She was one of the fortunate ones who received treatment before Obamacare became law.15
It’s not only hospitals that are disappearing from health insurance plans. UnitedHealth dropped thousands of doctors from its network of providers. The insurer explained that the reduction in the number of doctors was because Medicare Advantage plans for the elderly were drastically underfunded by Obamacare, with cuts in payments from the government reduced to the point where medical practices and hospitals were experiencing cash flow problems. Doctors in at least ten states have been notified that they are no longer in UnitedHealth’s provider networks.16
Obamacare is the president’s signature piece of legislation for a reason: It’s designed to accelerate the transformation of this country into a socialist dictatorship. It’s one of the signs we’re heading toward civil war in this country between Americans who support the Constitution and the freedoms we have enjoyed throughout our history and the forces aligning behind a federal government that is rapidly assuming control over every aspect of our lives.
Let me tell you about an Obama connection that is not a coincidence.
For the Obamacare rollout, Obama worked with the same public relations specialists who also did the publicity for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Celinda Lake and American Environics, the leftist pollster who advised the Obama campaign to make contraception for women one of the central issues in the 2012 presidential campaign, offered data that was useful. But the driving force in developing the strategy behind branding Obamacare was the Herndon Alliance. They’re the ones who came up with the now infamous line, “If you like your health-care plan you can keep it.”
The Herndon Alliance is a radical leftist group that has partnered in many projects with radical leftist, anti-American groups including MoveOn and La Raza.17 But here’s the punch line. Herndon had used the same reimaging strategy that they used for Obamacare before. The same American Environics that provided support for the Obamacare project had created and maintained Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez’s public image.
Still don’t think Obama visualizes a Venezuelan scenario for America?
Obama’s health insurance legislation was never designed to be a brokerage for insurance plans that were provided by private insurance companies. It’s my opinion that the ultimate goal of the Affordable Care Act is to eliminate the private health-care insurance market altogether and bring another large portion of our economy under a single payer: the dictatorial socialist government that is assuming power in the United States.
I see it as one more element in this president’s attempt to destroy our capitalist economy and turn us into a member state of a globalist government ruled by a political and economic elite.
The act was passed into law illegally, and without a single Republican vote. Democrats rigged the election of Minnesota senator Al Franken in order to get a majority, then skirted the Constitution and used obscure congressional work-arounds to pass a law without even getting approval from the House.
The Obama administration defended the law, saying that it in no way represented a tax. Then Chief Justice Roberts rewrote the legislation by deciding it was a tax and not an attempt to regulate interstate commerce. Since any legislation that creates a tax must originate in the House of Representatives, and since the ACA hadn’t originated in the House, the law immediately became unconstitutional.
After he had overstepped his constitutional limits, Roberts then disregarded the Constitution a second time when he voted to uphold the law.18
Roberts’ swing vote in favor of Obamacare plunged America into one of the darkest, most dangerous periods in our history. The fact that ObamaScare legislation was allowed to stand by the chief justice of the Supreme Court marked the legitimizing of Obama’s ongoing takeover of the United States of America.
The NSA has been spying on U.S. senators, members of the House of Representatives, and journalists for over a decade, according to NSA whistleblower William Binney. If they can spy on the Pope and foreign leaders like German chancellor Angela Merkel, why shouldn’t we assume Obama didn’t spy on Roberts, find something he’s hiding somewhere, and blackmail him into giving Obamacare the Supreme Court’s seal of approval?
Am I allowed to ask the question?
Has anyone in the media analyzed it from this perspective?
I haven’t heard it.
By the time the health-care law was ready to be implemented, it pitted Republicans against Democrats. It further divided the Republican Party into factions, with strong Tea Party conservatives like Ted Cruz and Utah senator Mike Lee standing up against the administration’s takeover, while establishment Republicans like Karl Rove, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham wanting only to maintain the status quo. They presented no alternative to the Democratic agenda, because they’re actually in collusion with the Democrats. Divide and conquer. The current administration’s goal is to create chaos and further the ongoing U.S. economic collapse, leading us to civil war, a socialist society, and enslavement to an elitist world government.
I know that’s difficult to accept, but you have to realize we’re talking about the world of the leftist agenda. Let me give you an example of how the left works to help you understand their ultimate goals.
In the late 1960s, two radical leftist Columbia University professors, Richard Cloward and his wife, Frances Piven, developed a plan that had a strikingly similar goal to that of the current administration. It entailed signing up as many low-income Americans as possible—primarily American blacks—to the welfare rolls. They believed the financial burden of this would crash America’s economy. It was part of a grand socialist revolution scheme they wanted to create in America.19
The strategy didn’t achieve its ultimate goal of economic collapse, but it nearly bankrupted New York City, which had 150,000 welfare cases in 1960, and nearly 1.5 million ten years later. Like so many leftist movements, it also added members to the permanent African-American underclass that the Democrats have created in the United States. It contributed to destroying blacks’ independence and their initiative to work and helped keep them enslaved in the inner-city ghettoes the liberal left had razed and rebuilt as part of its Great Society legislation of the 1960s.
In my opinion, the administration’s intent with the Affordable Care Act is no different than the intent of Cloward and Piven forty years ago, except that this time the left is not just targeting African-Americans. The current administration’s aim is to complete the collapse of the American economy and social order. This collapse would pit those who have lost their livelihoods and property against the political and economic oliga
rchy that is assuming control in the United States. Ultimately, the goal of the Obama administration might well be to make us vulnerable to a takeover of the United States by a globalist elite.
As I see it, Obamacare has five major objectives: the massive redistribution of wealth; the collection of vast amounts of personal data; the elimination of jobs and ultimate destruction of the middle class; the expansion of graft and corruption to further cripple social order; and a cash windfall for the president and his cronies.
If we’re ever going save ourselves from total ruin, first we have to fully understand what we are being subjected to. Here, I explain the five major goals I believe Obamacare is meant to achieve.
Obamacare: Engineering a Massive Redistribution of Wealth
The left is the enemy of the middle class.
Obamacare targets the middle class, small business owners, professionals, individuals, and families whose annual incomes are in the $60,000-to-$175,000 range. These middle-class Americans are finding that under Obamacare they can no longer keep the health insurance policies they were happy with, as they were once promised by the president. The policies they were instructed to buy had premiums that were in many cases higher than the ones they had, with annual deductibles that ran as much as $10,000 more than they were paying.
They are the victims of the purposeful incompetence of Obamacare.